True Hope House Church History

The House Church Ministry is beginning of True Hope today!
What is today True Hope Ministries of America actually began as a House Church in 2002 ... with Dr. Timothy having pastoring house churches since 1990!
However, we do not believe nor advocate that the House Church is the only correct form of congregational ministry ... we do believe that the House Church is a viable and vital venue of ministry along with Sancturary Churches, Street Ministry, Marketplace Churches and any congregation two or three or more that are gathered in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord!
There is today and has been for quite some time now what has been called the "House Church Movement" in which many either minimize, or reject altogether, the roles of other venues, especially what we call Sanctuary or Temple Churches. 
- - WE ARE NOT part of that movement!
A genuine House Church is MINISTRY ... in concert with, not a competitor of other forms of "curch worship and ministry!     

For a comprehensive understanding, read our booklet: 
                                                "Introducing the True Hope House Church Ministry"

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