All media services are offered with the goal to help you expand the reach and increase the impact of your ministry!
See what's available to our ministry members - - some at low cost, most are available at no cost  to the member!

  • ZOOM Web Conferencing       Free user accounts for Ministry Members who need live meetings
  • True Hope for Today                Christian Television Program, available on a shared schedule basis
  • Pod Casting Services               Free user accounts for ministry members to reach new audiences
  • True Hope Minutes                  FaceBook Group Page moderated by our directors
  • Social Media Coaching           To help you navigate this increasingly precarious & censored medium

Check out some of our active Media Ministries below ... follow or subscribe for free, some are downloadable all are presented by ministry members at various levels of Biblical Christian Ministry!





Ministry Members are able to share meaningful, spiritual insights with each other ... and with hundreds of followers who log in to our Group Page we call ... A True Hope Minute

The True Hope Minute group page on FaceBook is available for THMA ministry members to post to over 700 Christians currently following or associated with True Hope Ministries ... 
THMA Ministry Members are encouraged to post video or text messages on the True Hope Minute Group Page  ... posts are moderated for  content that is Biblically sound and morally upright.

Check out today's posts on the 
Find us on Face Book!

Since 2013 our television ministry, True Hope for Today has been broadcast and on cable tv in the eastern part of our nation
on TV39 Central Ohio Association of Christian Broadcasters  ... 
True Hope for Today is available to our ministry members on a "shared schedule" basis ... at no charge for provided schedules!

COACB TV 39 is also found on ROKU and True Hope For Today is archived on Vimeo which you may access any time - - again, at no charge! 

True Hope for Today airs 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month - - add COACB to your Roku and tune in!

To Learn More ... 
Click on the link at the top

NEW in 2021!
Podcasting is  now being made available to our Ministry Members ... FREE!

The podcasting service used by True Hope provides exclusive websites for each of your podcasts ... 
Plus you are provided a "Podcasting Player" that can be embedded in your own website ... included in the THMA website or ... accessed by your audience!

Your podcasts are also listed on major directories such as:  Amazon Music ... 
Apple Podcasts ... Spotify ... Stitcher ...
Pocket Casts ... included!

To Learn More ...
Click on the link above 


Bible College D​eg​​rees

From a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministry to a Doctorate in Biblical Theology, members of True Hope Ministries are eligible to enroll in the True Hope Bible Institute.
For more than 10 years, we have helped students gain an education of Scripture for application in real life ... not just for academic bragging rights!

Library & Publishi​ng

Do you write devotionals? Bible Study Lessons, Discipleship Articles or Spiritual Growth Studies?
If so, you may become part of the (new in 2021) on-line True Hope Library and we will assist you in distribution to the larger Christian Community!

Ministry Mentoring

Do you have special expertise in areas of ministry?  Do you need to grow in a particular aspect of ministry service or leadership?  
Ministry Mentoring is our primary approach to Ministry Development because we all have something we can invest in others that will help them to what God has called them to do!

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