3 Keys
To Apply For Ministry Credentials with True Hope ...

Biblical Christian

The first qualifying key to apply for Ministry Credentials with True Hope Ministries of America ... is to be a Biblical Christian
 "What Is A Biblical Christian?" - - Free Booklet, click the button

Free Booklet
Biblical Christian Minister

Candidates for Credentials with True Hope Ministries must be a devoted Biblical Christian Minister ... not all church or parachurch ministers are truly Biblical ministers ... nor meet Biblical eligibility standards.
Read the free booklet, "A Biblical Christian Minister" - - click the button.

Free Booklet
Biblical W​​orldview

Someone with less than a moderate Biblical Christian Worldview would be uncomfortable in our community as they would not understand why we believe and minister the way we do.
The assessment is free & confidential - see what yours is today!

Assess Your Worldview Here

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